Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dominican Republic 4/08

As I mentioned before, the Days of Celebration are in full swing. This trip included the events in both the Dominican Republic as well as Nicaragua. Thanks to American Airlines and their cancellation of my flight, I was actually able to go home and sleep for four hours in between the two trips. Just enough time to nap, throw all my clothes out of my luggage, and repack my bags.

The Day of Celebration in the DR was hosted in Santo Domingo Savio Boy's Home. In one word, the event was LOUD. The children arrived in buses blaring loud music. They were screaming, dancing and singing before they were even off the buses. The talent competitions rocked with loud music and the cheering sections for each home competed with the volume.

Pizza was served for lunch and the afternoon was filled with children's shows, sports, and other competitions.

We were honored to have two of our Angels of Hope sponsors attend this event. They came all the way from Michigan to meet their sponsored child and attend the Day of Celebration event. We were able to visit the child's orphanage and they passed out goodies and sweets to all the children.

Preparations for an event of this size, approximately 600 children and 70 staff and volunteers, takes a lot out of you. By the time the event was over I was so exhausted, sweaty, and ready to go to sleep. I returned to the hotel, packed my bags, went to sleep, and woke up at 4:00 am to catch my early morning flight back to MIA. I had completely lost my voice from the day's activities and arrived in Nicaragua the following day to face another large scale event with nothing but a squeak.

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